Download Participant list & Other Statistics
Torrie Santucci
Similar to Microsoft Teams Live, it would be a great function to be able to download the participant list (such as in an excel file or pdf) indicating when participants joined the event and when they left. This way you can gauge attendance and see what time people are joining and leaving
Jude Anthony
Other statistics would also be useful for identifying and improving group dynamics. For instance, I'd like the members of a circle to know who's been talking and for how long. If one person is doing all the talking, they could self-correct; if one person is doing no talking, the others could invite their input.
Andrew Luisi
Merged in a post:
Statistics to view for the host
Grey Suitcase
Display timeleine statistics for the host:
- Count of participants in the room by time
- Count of circles by time
- If areas are present: count of circles for each area by time
So that the host can see how participation has been (during an event) in the room over time / iff the room was used even if the host was not present.
Andrew Luisi
Merged in a post:
Can I download attendance logs
Angela Chang RWU
I want to know who showed up, and maybe how long they stayed for.
Madhusuthanan Seetharam
I will also prefer the following details.
- The room areas they were in
- The circle(s) they spent time with
Michael Paul
Merged in a post:
Download Participant List
Demy Jr. Cruz
To be able to track who entered or joined the room. Collect basic information such as timestamp, name, and email address.
Lime Bowtie
Good idea
Michael Paul
Merged in a post:
Search participant list
Andrea Post
With 1500 folks in a room, scrolling the participant list is tedious. Search would help immensely.
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